Paleo Bullies Not Welcome

Let he who has the perfect paleo diet cast the first stone… 

*crickets *

That’s what I thought.  Now that we have that out of the way can we all stop picking on members of our own primal, Paleo and clean-eating communities and focus this negative energy on the real enemy: Vegans?

Just kidding.

Not really though – those vegans are such Judgey Judies… and aliens, based on my observation of their soy obsession.  But I digress…

As an active member of the Paleo community who isn’t “perfectly Paleo” *gasp*, let this serve as my first confession to all of you. “Forgive me Paleo-Father Robb Wolf, for I have sinned. Last week I drank whiskey instead of wine. This is my first confession.”

Whiskey aside, I have a few Paleo flaws that I’ll cop to: I eat coconut-based yogurt from the store, I drink coffee, and sometimes I even take vitamins and supplements. OMG, am I going to the paleo version of hell where Dante’s seven rings are made of gluten, barley, sugar and wheat?!

No! So who cares?!  I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m fairly certain the Paleo Gods don’t give a crap how much of a purist I am, and you shouldn’t either.

I implore all of you – don’t be THOSE guys.  You know them – the Paleo/Primal bullies that constantly find fault in others’ diets but NONE in their own?  Yeah, they’re the worst.  It’s those same people who tend to cop to “cheat” days that sound like a recitation of a Southern BBQ Potluck menu.

As a Celiac who is also intolerant to Casein and Soy I don’t get cheat days, but you don’t see me running around and throwing it in everyone’s face as beacon of the “right” way to eat.  This also means I don’t get to make other people’s lives difficult because of my dietary restrictions or turn every meal into a pulpit sermon about how my way of eating is superior to everyone else’s.

As a community, this bullying behavior is especially disheartening to newcomers.  If someone is dipping their toe into the Paleo way of eating and I go and shove them into the deep end all I did was sabotage them ever wanting to go to the pool with me again.

I’ll save the argument that there is no perfect Paleo diet for another post (which I’m sure will be hotly contested) but please know that there are NO Paleo Bullies allowed in or around this page.

Be nice or leave.

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