Does Your Thyroid Hate You?

A few weeks back you may have seen via social media that I was at casa de Underground Wellness in San Diego shooting a cooking segment for The Thyroid Sessions  that launches May 4th. thyroid me

When Sean asked me to be one of the two food demonstrations I was pumped!

Rather than just throwing together a favorite dish, I gave a lot of thought to my personal experience with the topic and took a moment to review all the topics and presenters on the docket, deciding on Christa Orecchio’s segment about Fighting Adrenal Fatigue.

Having had issues with an under-active thyroid myself in the past, and not understanding why I was so abnormally tired and worn down, despite plenty of sleep, was maddening!

For a while I thought I was crazy, but it turns out it was just (mostly) my thyroid. I say mostly because I still reserve the right to still be a touch of crazy. * wink *

Removing grains, dairy and soy certainly helped tremendously in balancing out my hormones after discovering I was a Celaic (with an intolerance to casein and soy) but maintaining a healthy ecosystem goes far beyond just avoiding certain foods.

There is a lot your Doctors don’t tell you, and we don’t always know how to ask the right questions to get answers either. In fact, I don’t know anyone that hasn’t had concerns about their thyroid so I am very excited to share this  FREE series with you.

It starts May 4th and includes 22 sessions with all the experts, including two food demonstrations with myself and Chef Pete of Pete’s Paleo. In my segment, I prepare a trio of super powered SIMPLE recipes that you can start your day with, including Oregano Pan Fried Beef Liver, a DIY Cesar Dressing Recipe and my favorite Creamy Turmeric Anti-Inflammatory Tea!

thyroid tea thryoidfood

BUT you don’t have to wait that long to get a first look at watching a full-length session with Gluten expert Dr. Tom O’Bryan. You’ve probably heard me talk about him before, there is NO ONE that knows more about gluten than he does and no one that says “Gluten” the way he does either. Pay attention, makes me smirk every time!

In his session Doc covers:

* How “eating your healthy whole grains” can trigger autoimmunity and thyroid problems.
* Why you can’t lose that last 5 pounds.
* What your morning shower may be doing to your thyroid!
* The toxin no one is talking about…but can be the cause of your thyroid problems.
* The 3 things that must be present for your immune system to go rogue.
* How a case of “mistaken identity” can leave your thyroid under arrest.

And much more!

Sign up for The Thyroid Sessions by clicking here and get instant access to the video interview here!

Side bar: I can’t believe I just type “get instant access” to you guys, I feel like such an infomercial tool. *facepalm*

Come May 4th be sure to check out MY cooking segment and let me know if you have any other topics or issues in particular you’d like me to write out “functional” recipes to share on the new website.

Nutrient comprised and delicious dishes should not be mutually exclusive, at least not in my kitchen!

Trust your gut!

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