DIY: Has Deodorant Been C-Blocking Women From True Love?

Since giving up store bought deodorant and making my own I’ve noticed an increase in date/courting requests from suitors of the opposite sex.

Has Sure and Suave been chemically c-blocking women this whole time!? *facepalm*  originalscent
I posted this observation (disclaimer: not based on any of my own scientific research) to Facebook and paid a little more attention to measurements today.

I make this in very small batches since I change the scent/essential oil often:

What you’ll need:
1 tablespoon coconut il
1/2 tablespoon baking soda
droplets of essential oil (of choice/optional)

What to do:
Melt the coconut oil
Mix in the baking soda
Add essential oils

Ridiculously easy, right? And waaaay cheaper than store bought. And no strange cancer causing slash true love blocking ingredients.

I keep it in this tiny glass bowl in my bathroom but I suppose you could use anything you want to store it and get as cute and fancy as you like.

A tiny side bar based on the comments from my post: I’ve heard some people don’t like the texture of baking soda and opt to use arrowroot or cornstarch instead. I bet if you googled “DIY deodorant” it would present you with a ton of variations to choose from.

As for the essential oils, think about things like lavender, lemon, rose hip, nutmeg, etc.

I wouldn’t/couldn’t recommend a scent to you because we all have our own body chemistry, so what smells one way on me will smell totally different on you. I’ve been obsessed with fragrance since I was a little girl – bottling up my Mother’s lavender and jasmine flowers in her empty perfume bottles to make my own ‘labeled’ perfume.

…Then I’d go play in the dirt and bring home salamanders from the creek, but I smelled lovely!

The other jar in the photo is a body moisturizer with a half/half olive & almond oil. Being Egyptian and Greek, I channel my ancestry with combinations of sandalwood, myrrh, frankincense, rose hip and other aromas that make me feel pretty dang sexy. In fact, based on what I want to accomplish that day, I’ll specifically choose one combo over the other. More on that thought another time, perhaps…

That said, play with some scents and find some that make you feel good or sexy or like you’re going to totally crush your day.

Btw: How do you know if someone is Egyptian or Greek? They’ll tell you. =P

If the concept of DIY deodorant scares you because you’re sweat or stink a lot, I’ll share with you that I was that person too. I went as far as to keep napkins in my pits before presentations so I wouldn’t have those awful and embarrassing sweat marks. You know what I’m talking about!

Cleaning up my diet (going paleo) helped this A LOT! I sweat significantly less and my body aroma kind of rocks. Yes, my natural scent is something I jock.

And apparently male suitors do too.  Blame it on the pheromones. *thought bubble: I wonder if I smell like bacon…*

What products (if any) do you guys make yourself?

Trust your gut,

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