Ma, The Glutens Got Me! My 3-Day “Glutening” Disaster Plan

Here’s the deal, unless you prepare 100% of your meals, a gluten or two may end up in your digestive tract.

If you are a celiac like me, this is disaster pants x10.

I’m talking:

– Migraine Headaches
– Swollen Hands & Feet
– Gluten Baby Bump
– Rash and Skin Inflammation
– Painful Joints
– Fatigue, and that heaviness in your brain
– Oh, and actual disaster pants

This shit, pun intended, will last up to 2 weeks for me. Not to mention, that the damage isn’t fully repaired for much longer.

Having food intolerances is no freaking joke.

There are many things out there that aide in the digestion of the enemy, such as digestive enzymes or charcoal however these things simply aren’t enough for me.

I work on repairing the damage right away, and giving the gut a chance to heal.

Before I go on with what I do when this civil war between my intestines and proteins takes place, I want to say that this is what works FOR ME and falls into my realm of paleYOU.

That means I am not a doctor prescribing this as the sweeping Rx for treating a gluten attack but rather a chick that’s been to this awful rodeo a time or three.

It took a while to figure out that eating protein and full regular meals wasn’t something my body liked the day of or right after a contamination.

So ultimately, do what works for YOU. Got it?


Ok, so here’s my game plan and I carry this on for 3-5 days depending on how severe and how long my symptoms are lasting.

It’s a combination of the recipes below and this bone broth, and has served me well in getting back to baseline after the glutens get me.

Here goes:

Immediately After Contamination, Curse the glutens: Damn you glutens!

And then,

Inflammation is coming so I make:

Turmeric Tea

2 cups water
2 tbsp grass fed butter or coconut oil
1 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Boil coconut milk and water on hot stove and stir in all the ingredients.
Pour into a blender and blend for 10-15 seconds.
Throw out a couple Hail Mary’s for the journey ahead.

Over the next 3 days I have the below Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Vita-Mixed blends accompanied by a bowl of bone broth that’s seasoned with salt, ginger, lemon and chopped cilantro.

Between “meals” I am drinking a shit-ton (that’s a measurement, right?) of water and having either the Turmeric Tea or Reishi Tea from FourSigmatic as desired. I also spoon coconut-cultured yogurt to get good enzymes into my gut in the AM. Cultured Coconut for me because I can’t tolerate regular yogurt, but the point is get probiotics inside of you.

Breakfast: Berries

1 cup spinach
1 cup berries of your choice
½ tsp turmeric
½ tsp cinnamon
small handful of mint
8 oz of water, or more to your desired consistency

Optional: 1 tablespoon coconut oil or mct oil

Blend all the ingredients with water and ice in your vitamix. You can switch up the berries to change the flavor as you wish. This isn’t really about flavor, though. Add however much water you want to your desired thickness.

Lunch: Greens

1 handful of spinach
1/2 cup romaine lettuce
1/4 cup cucumber, peeled
1 celery rib (did you know it was called a rib? I didn’t)
1/2 green apple
1/2 lemon
8 oz of water or more to your desired consistency

Optional: 1 tablespoon coconut oil or mct oil

Blend all the ingredients with water and ice in your Vitamix. Again, as much water and ice to your desired consistency. 8 oz is about a serving for me, sometimes less simply because when glutened, I get full really fast. This does not taste like cotton candy and spice.

Dinner: Ginger Gut Healer

Wedge of green cabbage
1 pear
Wedge of romaine lettuce
1/2  inch of ginger, grated
8 oz of water or more to your desired consistency

Optional: 1 tablespoon coconut oil or mct oil

Blend all the ingredients with water and ice in your Vitamix. Just think good thoughts and drink it.

Digestive Peace be with you.

What do you guys do when the enemy enters your territory? Do you have a go-to plan like this? Take any particular enzymes? Or are you one to just ride it out like a cowboy?

Tell me in the comments below.

Trust your gut,
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