RECIPE: Grain-Free Bacon Granola

Three whole years later, I’m sharing my Bacon Granola recipe. Don’t ever say patience doesn’t pay off…eventually.

You can thank Nicole (@paleokithens on Instagram) for standing over me in San Francisco way back when, making me measure this out.

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What you need:
12 oz of bacon
8 oz sliced almonds
8 oz cashew pieces
8 oz walnut pieces
1/4 cup maple syrup, plus extra for *brushing
1 tablespoon cinnamon, plus extra for *dusting
1/2 tablespoon rosewater (trust me, I’m a professional. you can find it at Whole Foods or online.)
1/4 tablespoon nutmeg

What to do:
On a cookie tray, lay down some foil or parchment paper.
Lay down your slices of bacon on top of that.
Brush with maple syrup then dust your slices of bacon cinnamon.
Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until it’s cooked thoroughly.
Remove from the oven and chop up into chunks.

In a big bowl, toss in those chunks, “taste testing” a bite or two. =)

Clean up that cookie tray and lay down new foil or parchment paper.

Back to the bowl, add all other the ingredients on the above list.
With a big spoon, mix it all up throughly.
Coat the ish out of all those nuts.
Taste test, some like it sweeter: add more maple syrup.
Taste test, some like more cozy: add more cinnamon.
Do not add more nutmeg. Do not add more rosewater. Less is more with those two here.
Mixed well?
Alright, lay it down in a single layer on your cookie tray.
Bake at 275 degrees for 20-30 minutes or until your nuts have browned.
Hahahahahah @ browned nuts!
Ok, back to being quasi-mature here.
Remove from ze oven.
Let it cool completely before storing.

That’s if you don’t eat it ALL right there on the spot. Seriously, this is CRACK. Like cinnamon toast crunch!

You’re so freaking welcome.

PS: The top photo in this post includes sesame seeds and coconut flakes, which is a variation that I also recommend with my Bacon Granola if you want to switch it up.

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  1. Finally a granola I’m looking forward to eat!

  2. Susie

    Sorry I don’t know a thing about edible rose water? Help please!

  3. Sounds delicious but can you use a replacement for rose water??

    • Mary

      I don’t know of a replacement for rose water. It’s got a distinct flavor. You can just leave it out but keep in mind, it will change the intended flavor of my recipe.

  4. I seriously just LOVE you and your food! Thank you for that recipe. I’m making that today, but where do you get rosewater???

    • Mary

      Linked in the recipe. I get mine from a local international store but you can find it at Whole Foods in the baking section or online. Thanks for the love! =)

  5. marta


  6. Krista

    Seriously SO GOOD!! I added coconut flakes, hemp, chia & sesame seeds, and after it cooled added some cocoa nibs. I had to hide it from my hubby & boys. It was relish! Thank you 🙂