Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Chicken

Winner Winner Bacon Wrapped & Stuffed Chicken Dinner, A General Guide.
Fair warning, this one is addicting and SO easy to make. You can creative with the combinations of fruit and cheese on the inside. With the new site update, I’ll post a few different variations in the more “official” recipe but I know you guys are super eh-smart and creative, so I bet you’ll have fun playing with this on your own.
Usually, I like to serve this with a Cauliflower Mash (mashed with Ghee and Bone Marrow) for my clients. You know, my the High Fat, Low Carb jam.
BUT REMEMBER, this is PALEYOU. Do what works for YOU.
What you’ll need:
chicken thighs
seasonal fruit, sliced long/skinny (eg pear, fig, apple)
cheese that pairs, sliced long/skinny (eg brie/pear, white cheddar/fig, goat/apple)
garlic salt
What to do:
on a lined baking sheet, lay your chicken thighs open

in this order,
sprinkle each of the seasoning within each thigh
lay down 1 (maybe two slices of cheese)
lay down 1 (maybe two slices of fruit)
I say 1 maybe 2 because it’s easy to want to over stuff
close up your chicken thigh and wrap in a slice of bacon
at the end of the bacon wrap, tuck the end into a fold

bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes until the chicken has cooked through and the bacon starts looking sexy AF. Towards the last 2-3 minutes, don’t be afraid to turn it up to broil to get a nice crisp on your bacon, BUT WATCH IT CLOSELY because it happens FAST.
Remove from the oven. Let it cool. Eat your face off! #eatplaycrush

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