Recovering Yes Woman

Hi. My name is Mary and I’m a recovering Yes Woman.
All together now: Hi, Mary.
Here’s the deal, in cliffs notes: I tend to be really generous with my time, my help, my food, my home, my money, etc. to the point where I, previously, didn’t set boundaries when I felt that the circumstance was becoming really unbalanced.
Expressing this frustration to my Father, the feeling that “I’m being taken advantage of”, my Dad says to me: I raised you to be a compassionate and giving woman. Do not change that. Limit the assholes around you and you won’t feel this way.
Ah, yes. Ok, I get it. I’m being a “selfless asshole”. Yay, accountability.
So, I began to set boundaries and say NO. *clearsthroat* If you want to shine light on your ride or die relationships, say no and set boundaries. Sure, it causes some weak relationships to dissolve BUT more importantly, it strengthens your quality connections.
Oh, and it also opens up seats at your dinner table for new people that surely deserve to break grain-free bread with you.

Clean up your act, 2016. #eatplaycrush

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