Okra Eggplant Stew

Okra & Eggplant Stew for #MeatlessMonday. SUPER easy to prepare. In a pot, melt a generous amount of butter or ghee. Add a diced onion, a cubed eggplant and salt, stir it all up until everything is coated and drizzle in a generous amount of olive oil over that.
You want to almost burn the onions, stirring up all the flavor that’s going to stick to the bottom of the pot.
Add a jar of tomato paste and then fill up that jar with water twice, adding that liquid into the pot too.
Add a bag of frozen okra or fresh okra that has been sliced, stir and cover the pot. Let it simmer for 15-20 minutes over medium heat.
Season as you wish. Today, I added tarragon, lemon zest, pepper, turmeric, and more garlic while it simmered. Served with a squeeze of lemon and dill.
Pretty cozy dish on this gloomy day. I usually make this with lamb but I’m all out of groceries so this is what I pulled together with what I found in my freezer.
Wrapping up a bunch of emails before I go get my car after that flat tire adventure. Always something exciting going on. ?#eatplaycrush

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