Tahini Tuna Teaser

Tahini Tuna 3 Ways! ?? You can find the recipe in my 5 Day EPC Guide on my website.

You must be thinking that tahini is a major food group to me and you would be correct. I use it a lot as my choice food-lube and obvs it’s a major ingredient in @phatfudge.
I probably have Tahini Tuna 2x a week, at least. Especially when I’m low on protein and time for the day. Sometimes I’ll have it in a nori wrap, sometimes on a salad, once in a while mixed with cappellos grain free pasta around that lady time of the month. ? TMI? Oh, well.
Anyway, this trio was prepared during a video on my upcoming YouTube show with @mixedmakeup, BUT you can make it before if you want. Then, eat it while watching me ham it up for the camera. More deets on the show coming later, both through posting here and emailing out to peeps so if you want to be in the know, go sign up at paleochef.com. Ole! #eatplaycrush

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