My Practice: Beating Blues

I think I ruined my favorite casual sneaks, soaked in salt water, because I was attempting to snap a photo of the ocean but didn’t see/move in time for the wave that came up to my knees. Dumbass, I am. ? Oh, well.
Current Musings: When I’m feeling down/blue (which happens a bit, I’m sorta moody) the things that make me feel STRONG again are gratitude for my family, honoring my friends that passed too soon, and staying on my hustle (the long game). We’ve all got a story, right? Consider this, no matter the circumstances, you’re in control of the narrative.
It’s not easy to make things happen; making change, mastering the pivot, building shit, staying focused, it can be hard.

But, it starts with the narrative and what empowering (or bullshit) story you’re telling yourself in the moments when you’re down.
My advice? Feel the blue, then when you’ve done and felt it good, write the narrative that gets you back up. Keep it human, yanno? #eatplaycrush #fullspectrum

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