Pause and Step Back

Dude. So much is being crushed right now. I am SO TIRED and just wanna take a nap but, mang, SO MUCH CRUSHING, I be doing. ? There was a moment at my project manager’s office today, running the sales numbers to-date and the next quarter projections for PF when I actually *felt* the accomplishment of getting it this far. ? It was fleeting, but it was really fucking cool.
Three people told me I look tired today, and you know what, I’m going to take that as a compliment. ? Lean in. Lean out. Lean side to side. Lean in whatever direction matches your intentions. ?

If there was a championship ring in life/business, that’s what I’m working towards. ? If there was a championship ring in curls, I’d win that TODAY. ???#eatplaycrush

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