INSTAGRAM: July 14, 2016 at 12:07PM

There will be days when you’re the only one that sees the end game. And that’s all you need. Beyond reasonable doubt, I will succeed. In what? In whatever I want because I am just that stubborn.

Never mind the hurdles in my life before Mary, The Paleo Chef, let’s just look at the last 12 months: I hand packed TEN THOUSAND dang packets of @phatfudge WITH MY TWO HANDS AND A F’N KETCHUP BOTTLE, earning the crap out of your enthusiasm and trust before asking you to pre-order enough Phat Fudge to aide in funding a manufacturing run.

It’s not that specifically that makes me on the path to success it’s my mental ‘tude that is within that.

My path may not be paved in gold but my attitude is platinum. That’s the secret to my success (and happiness). This isn’t earth shattering stuff, I know. However, I’d like to share it anyway (and again and again) from inside the the hustle right now, while I’m building, no shame in my come up, and no guaranteed outcome…according to the odds. Pfft, odds. Ha! #eatplaycrush

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