Have you been Glutened?

What happens to you when you accidentally eat gluten, Mary? Oh, you know. A total body meltdown. No big deal…or actually, I mean, a HUGE deal. Like, I look pregnant and my skin is on fire deal. There’s also the headaches, the fatigue, the joint pain, annnnd the reach for gratitude because it’s also reminder that this was my baseline for so many years before learning about my intolerances.
When glutened, it takes a while for my body to simmer down and get back to normal. It’s not fun at all. My recovery game plan includes bone broth, various veggie/fruit smoothies, teas, cultured coconut, and cursing. I wrote about it a couple of years ago. Since I’m amidst a current flare up, I thought it would be appropriate to re-share that blog post. The link is in my profile.
As I share in the post, this is just what works for me and not a prescription for you. Enzymes don’t work on me when glutened, and no worries to you guys on internet-medicating/diagnosing me. Pls and thanks. ?Digestive peace be with you. ??#eatplaycrush

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