Rant: Choose Your Power

If there is one takeaway about how I feel I show up here, it’s that I stand for inclusivity. Different walks of life? Different systems of faith? Teach me. Tell me more. Allow me to do the same.
It feels like everything is being boiled down to a “you vs me”, sides shouting that the other side lives in a bubble, as though this bubble is made of soundproof-steel and you can’t hear anything or are even allowed to step outside of it. You do know it’s not soundproof? You do know it’s not made of steel? You have the power to pop that bubble right now.
If you’re reading this, you’re probably like me, a civilian, in the day to day interactions. Oh, how powerful we are; we have the ability to bridge gaps from every side if we’d practice a little more open, actually-want-to-learn-not-just-be-right communication.
It’s not easy. It can be uncomfortable. It can get messy, but practice does make progress and words are powerful. Your words are powerful. YOU are powerful. WE ARE POWERFUL. We are all human, living out different lives, AND THAT’S OK. What’s not OK is reducing another just because they are different than us on paper, because to Mother Nature, we’re not at all different. In fact, to Mother Nature, we’re all assholes messing up her home.
Thought: you’re walking down the street, traffic is bananas. Directly in front of you is a small child. Child trips, begins to fall into traffic. Your knee jerk reaction would likely be to reach out to grab him/her. You didn’t think about where they came from, what school they attend, if they are this faith or that faith, you saw a small human, with every right to live, and your primal instinct is to save him/her. Yes?
I guess what I’m asking is if you could choose your words w/ curious-intent, not with pre-assumed judgements. Step outside your world and start convos w/ ppl that are different than you. We are pretty much all that small child in my example.
I think I’m making sense but it’s time I end this rant: On a day to day, IRL and online, let’s stop the divisive-communication and start popping bubbles.
I ended w/ bubbles. I once read there’s no angry way to say bubbles. That’s serendipitously perfect. BUBBLES.

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