Respect Resistance

My chin pimple, whom I’ve named Frances, and I have something to say to you. ??
Sometimes a path of resistance seems provocative because we’re hammered with messaging all day long about being uncomfortable for the win. May I interrupt that to say, not all resistance is “good resistance” for you. Sometimes when you resist or procrastinate it’s a sign that maybe this thing or this way to the thing isn’t right for you.
I say respect your indecision and dance with it for a moment. Are you guys on the same page? Maybe yes. And maybe you do need to kick yourself in the pants. Both are OK as long as you do it with conviction.
I’d like to give giant virtual high5 and fist bump to all my friends online and IRL crushing it in so many different ways; sometimes following blueprints and sometimes trailblazing their own way. Both are equally difficult but oh so rewarding when it aligns with your heart.
Okay, Frances and I are out! Website development calls and menu planning for March’s Pop Up at Maple Block Meat Co. ?? #eatplaycrush

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