Eat Like a Weirdo

Let’s be clear, I try not to prescribe a certain way for you to eat other than doing what works for you. That said, today’s chronicle of Eat Like A Weirdo led me to these cravings: raw salmon, black seed/saffron preserved lemon (recipe on my site), coconut amino/ghee fried shiitake mushroom, and fermented cashew yogurt with cayenne/paprika.
Personally, I almost always follow my cravings. After 5+ years of paleo (paleYOU), HFLC, and playing with herbs/spices from my upbringing, I allow my cravings to indicate to me what my body wants.
Weird? To most, but I get a good rotation of all kinds of foods that give me energy, focus, nutrients, and joy.
Going to take a power nap after this and then get to menu planning a dinner I’m cooking tonight for a couple of gents. I’m thinking tea-steamed cauliflower, maybe walnut/mustard tenderloin of some sort, and bangin’ liver. They are keto, minding their protein portions. It’ll be fun. I don’t know if they’ve had liver before. Hehehehe. #eatplaycrush

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