Life Lesson: Own Your Destiny

I happened upon this proverb in my teens and have carried it into my 30s. Far beyond just the idea of a romantic destiny with another person, I hold it as a standard to my entire life, as one giant romantic adventure with myself, my goals, and my strong sense of personal destiny.
Read it again. Think about it. ? It has the potential to release you from fear and feelings of scarcity/need. If no one can take your destiny, you are free to explore exactly where you are right now, focusing on personal improvement so that you are READY for your destiny/destined person, whichever you put value upon. #bothisoktoo
Finding a flaw in that sense of freedom and rejecting trust in yourself to work towards your future keeps you stagnant. And when you’re stagnant, you begin to settle. And the definition of settle is to gradually sink. ? No. Fucking. Gracias.
Might I suggest you say yes to adventures and opportunities that align with your best self, your wise self, your happy AF self? No one can take the life that is destined for you, but you sure can get in your own way. Soooooo, don’t do that. K? Cool. #eatplaycrush

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