Boss-Ladies, Listen Up

Ladies, shoulders back and crush it, whatever it is you want to conquer. Do not play small to play the game. I repeat, do not play small to play the game. If they say you can’t do it, show them otherwise. If they say it’s always been done this way, show them otherwise. If they say you’re too much of this or not enough of that, punch them in the…I mean, show them otherwise. ???
You won’t catch me apologizing for standing up for myself, my worth, my existence. Nope, not sorry. But, you’re welcome. Heeeeey, Boo. I see you. You being all my fellow badass boss lady-friends. ??
ps: when was the last time you called/shot a quick text to your female friend out there crushing it? We deal with so much all day, everyday, that those quick moments of appreciation mean the world. Hint. Hint. Clue. Clue. #reachoutandseeher #eatplaycrush

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