My Flag

Thank you. #Repost @andystumpf212
I have more in common with this flag than I would like to admit.
It has travelled with me for years. It has jumped out of planes, logged thousands of miles in helicopters, been shot at, blown up, banged up, burned and bent. It is rough around the edges, much like I know I can be.
It is hard for me to look at this flag and accept it for everything that it is.

It is not pure. It has made mistakes. It is full of imperfections.
If you are not careful, you can get lost in the blemishes.
Veterans Day is not about beating our chests as a Nation. Veterans Day is not about celebrating our victories while ignoring our blemishes. Veterans Day is not about highlighting our imperfections while ignoring our successes.
Veterans Day is about saying thank you to those that are willing to volunteer to defend you, and this Nation, whether they agree with you, your opinions, or your life choices.
Veterans Day is about the men and women who volunteer to defend the diversity, frailty, and differences in opinion that make this country great.
This flag represents the best of who we are.
Happy Veterans Day

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