Monday Perspective

Happy Monday!

Was that annoying? It used to annoy the crap out of me too, until one day I decided to flip the script one Monday back in my corporate hustle days.

The previous week was the absolute WORST and it carried over into my weekend.

I’m talking lost contracts, asshole managers, “gunna leave a turd in my cube-mate’s desk” kind of worst.

And then there was my personal life. Ugh. Let’s not even revisit that.

I wallowed. I woed. I deflected responsibility better than a non-stick Teflon pan.

It was ugly. I was ugly.

Where was my accountability? I am, after all, an adult.

With that in mind, and with a little help from “Glen”, I decided to take control of what I could and get over myself.

Boom. Perspective is everything…

Monday came and I was determined to OWN it.

cue eye of the tiger

When did Monday get such a bad rap anyway, and why? Sure, sure it’s the first day after the weekend of freedom – but don’t shoot the messenger. It’s not Monday’s fault!

You know what Monday REALLY is? It’s an opportunity to wipe the slate clean from last week and totally CRUSH IT!

All that Facebooking you did last week instead of making calls? Yup, I am looking at you. Get on it this week! Facebook isn’t going anywhere.

Every workout you skipped on for Happy Hour? Why not split those days, or better yet, do both this week. Yes, BOTH is an option.

The laundry that piled up on the bathroom floor? Eh, don’t do that. Seriously, don’t do it. Hire a TaskRabbit and use that time to cook yourself some healthy meals so I don’t have to hear how you don’t have time to feed yourself right.

No one is going to change your perspective for you. No one is going to do the work for you. No one can take away your destiny, but only you can make it happen.

So with that, it’s Monday. Let’s dance!

Trust your gut.

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