Impatiently waiting for these Cardamom Buttery Biscuit Cookies to cool. ? This was the earlier mentioned cookie experiment; chopped pistachios, walnuts, raisins, & coconut sugar are used 3 different ways in a cashew/coconut flour butter based cookie. In the making of the base, I had an egg in my hand to crack into the dough and got distracted in my apartment, walking away and randomly putting the egg down. …I…
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If I didn’t ask men I found interesting out on dates first, I would have gone on a total of 3 dates in my life. Sometimes I’m turned down for dates, actually a lot of times. I don’t die as a result and my ego suffers very little damage. Why do I share this? Because when I hear my man friends complain about how hard it is for men to…
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In a time where it’s easy to small talk, I crave (and indulge in) connection. That requires I be comfortable with sharing bits of me that may make some contract but when those few expand, oh my, does my being expand too. Your gut will tell you who is a flower and who is a weed, water wisely. xoM #eatplaycrush Poem above via @nayyirah.waheed
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I weep as I post this general guide to Grain-Free Spanakopita. Every 6-8 months I try cheese to see if my body has decided to rid itself of the intolerance. ONE DAY, I will mind over matter my gut to go face deep in a tub of fresh and creamy feta cheese. I still make traditional spanakopita with phyllo for those that tolerate it because (thanks to my Mom) I…
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Are you a match for you? That’s what matters first. Sometimes this thought can be scary for you too. To be whole all by yourself. To hold self mastery like this means 100% accountability. ? Be accountable. Be Be accountable. You game? ?? #eatplaycrush
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You guys, the best and hardest lesson. Uncertainty is the most generous source of opportunity. It’s your job to be open and prepared when it comes. xoM #eatplaycrush Repost: @stonecoldbetch
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Inspired by @cefaz’s visit to Gaku in San Jose. What up, 408! I don’t have a grill right now so I went the oven-broil route. Sticky Sauce: Simmered Japanese wine, coconut aminos, coconut sugar, fish sauce, garlic and pepper flakes. Chicken Liver Skewers: Longways, lightly salted. On a sheet-tray, and over foil, broiled for 15 -20 minutes after being brushed. Then re-brushed a few more times during the cook time.…
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Ready!? #PieCaken, A General Guide. Since my new site isn’t ready, you’re getting a general guide posted to my current website. A full “formal” recipe will be posted there so send good vibes that ish gets done soon. Since I wanted to make this 10 seconds after that @buzzfeed post, I pulled pieces from tried and true foundations to build my Persimmon Merengue Caramel Vanilla PieCaken. They are tagged because,…
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Nummy Tahini Tuna Wrap ?? Ingredients: tuna, tahini, onions, lemon, coconut aminos, sriracha, salt, pepper, garlic, pecans & cilantro in a double nori wrap. A perfect snack while I get sucked into this Jessica Jones business. ?? I love love love @therealkrystenritter for this role. #eatplaycrush
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Gratitude is a survival skill. Hashtag blessed. ??? #eatplaycrush
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