Another day, another “you can’t” proven incorrect in expanding @phatfudge. My path may not be paved in gold but my attitude is platinum. That’s the secret (or at least my secret) to creating exceptions when breaking away from standard process. _ Attitude is certainly the sauce that gets me through heavy periods of time when I still have a business to run while life events weigh heavy on me. _…
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Still testing the Grain/Dairy Free S’More for the next LA Pop Up. ? _ As much as I want to go the deconstructed route for plating, this is just one I’m better off keeping it classic. I hear you, S’More. I won’t mess with a good thing. ? _ Dipped @missionheirloom’s Cassava Crunch in Ghee. Dusted with Cinnamon & Coconut Sugar. Dolloped Chocolate Mousse from @cocobakesla. Laid a crack of…
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???? @sgrstk consistently making me chuckle. Punctuation is the mark of a champ. #eatplaycrush
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Each time, I hold my breath, waiting to hear that the family is safe, tears of anger being choked back. It’s sick, the reality of saying “each time”, as if this is to be accepted as normal. My cultural and religious roots are the foundation of my life and the reality of being a mark for merely existing is the source of my appreciation for breath. It’s impossible for me…
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I feel like if I told you that I whipped this up on the fly in 30 minutes that it would be unnecessary roughness. BUT, the facts are I did. And it’s delicious. _ There are so many ingredients I would have loved to add to this “Lamb Lasagna” if I had them in my sorry looking fridge right now so we’re calling this another foraged meal. _ Browned Lamb…
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This children’s book is adorable. Oh, the health, knowledge, and self empowerment a mini-human will build upon into adolescent years and beyond with a powerful food foundation. _ @brocandcara_childrens_gutbook + The Little Red Hen is what I’ll be giving all my friends’s minis. Teach ’em young about nutrients and not waiting on others to get shit done. ? #eatplaycrush
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The Meatza that made it happen. ? _ This shot (and my feed) shouted out in a Glamour article, I found myself a new friend tracking down the writer to say Thank You. cc: @susanyara ? _ Annnd then that new friendship turned into getting to play and shoot #UnicornFuel with @mixedmakeup on YouTube. ? _ The power of play. The power of pizza. RESPECT. ? _ Want to…
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Confucius says we all have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one. Although, part of the internet credits that line to Tom Hiddleston. ? _ Happy Friday and stuff. #eatplaycrush
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