Rainy Sunday Shakshuka, Lazy Edition. ? Fresh Tomatoes. Tomato Paste. Onions. Garlic. Jalapeño. Cumin. Cinnamon. Cloves. Cayenne. Cooked in Duck Fat & EVOO. Topped with Cilantro. Green Onions. And Lakonia Seasoning. _ Paired with a strong brew of anise tea + black seed oil, annnnd some thoughts: When I find myself in disagreement with another person, or if I can sense they feel unheard, I like go through a 3…
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If there is one takeaway about how I feel I show up here, it’s that I stand for inclusivity. Different walks of life? Different systems of faith? Teach me. Tell me more. Allow me to do the same. _ It feels like everything is being boiled down to a “you vs me”, sides shouting that the other side lives in a bubble, as though this bubble is made of soundproof-steel…
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What happens to you when you accidentally eat gluten, Mary? Oh, you know. A total body meltdown. No big deal…or actually, I mean, a HUGE deal. Like, I look pregnant and my skin is on fire deal. There’s also the headaches, the fatigue, the joint pain, annnnd the reach for gratitude because it’s also reminder that this was my baseline for so many years before learning about my intolerances. _…
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stuff. lame relationships. but mostly your own mind. declutter & focus, 2017. ?? #eatplaycrush
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In the last 365 days: Phat Fudge production issues have been resolved, an expensive AF task. PF has been in the mouths of some of the GOAT individuals. PF is now in retail locations, soon to be Whole Foods as well. This all being done with 0 debt and 0 loans/investments, solely with the help of YOUR pre-orders and orders. (TY!) _ I’ve cooked for/worked with epic minds, athletes, ceos,…
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Not all kindness and generosity is motivated by anything more than just that. I promise. xoM #eatplaycrush #goodnessexists
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Rain gazing on my balcony, sipping on a custom “Mary Blend” from @foursigmatic. Fungi-Friendship perks. I ain’t complaining. ? Don’t know much about shrooms? Well, they’re launching a free mushroom academy in February which I am nerded-out-excited to do so I can learn more too. _ Lots to accomplish today, a few appointments, and I’m taking my sweet time, still in sweats. ? I measure joy by my ability to…
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What else do you do with leftover crab? Buttery Garlic Goodness. Used Ghee. Black Seed Oil. Toasted Gluten Free Sourdough Bun from @breadsrsly. Fresh Dill. Arugula. @primalkitchenfoods Crap Free Mayo. Mustard. And @cavemancoffeeco Cold Brewed Hibiscus Tea to wash it all down. My fridge and pantry is filled with pure gold of products owned and operated by extraordinary people putting their ALL into bringing us high quality goods. ? #eatplaycrush
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Just a bowl of change, right? Today it caught me in a moment. I paused. Took a deep breath and smiled, almost chuckled. _ There was a brief period in my life where this would have been a gold mine to have in my possession. A time in my life where my budget was 2 dollars a day that I’d spend on the 2 tacos from Jack In The Box,…
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